
Ballavi #7 - SculptureBallavi #7 - Sculpture
MounTennis #6 - SculptureMounTennis #6 - Sculpture
Configuration 010Configuration 010


Configuration 010

Impulzus Series - Ly
Impulzus Series - 23
Impulzus Series - 11
Impulzus Series - 28
Circular Series - Visus
Impulzus Series - White
Impulzus Series - Red
Dimenzio - Dimensionism 006
Dimenzio - Dimensionism 007
Dimenzio - Dimensionism 005
Dimenzio - Ritmo 002
Dimenzio - Ritmo 001
Dimenzio - Circular Series 001BDimenzio - Circular Series 001B
Dimenzio - Circular Series 001Dimenzio - Circular Series 001
Dimenzio - Red 002


Dimenzio - Red 002

Fabric Knot - Blue / Orange MediumFabric Knot - Blue / Orange Medium
Fabric Knot - Grey / Black / Orange LargeFabric Knot - Grey / Black / Orange Large
Acrylic - OctagonalAcrylic - Octagonal


Acrylic - Octagonal

Four Leaf Clover - Luck GreenFour Leaf Clover - Luck Green
The Chai - Faith / To Life AmberThe Chai - Faith / To Life Amber
The Eye - Protection / Teal PinkThe Eye - Protection / Teal Pink
The Chai - Faith / To Life BlueThe Chai - Faith / To Life Blue
The Hamsa - Blessing BlueThe Hamsa - Blessing Blue
The Hamsa - Blessing PinkThe Hamsa - Blessing Pink
Four Leaf Clover - Luck Pink
The Eye - Protection / Teal GreenThe Eye - Protection / Teal Green
The Eye - Protection / Teal BlueThe Eye - Protection / Teal Blue
Four Leaf Clover - Luck Amber
The Hamsa - Blessing AmberThe Hamsa - Blessing Amber
The Chai - Faith / To Life GreenThe Chai - Faith / To Life Green
Acrylic - Mini OctagonalAcrylic - Mini Octagonal
Fabric Knot - Grey / Brown / Orange MediumFabric Knot - Grey / Brown / Orange Medium